20+ Meditation Books for Free! [PDF]

Our mind is always in activity, full of thoughts that come and go without our putting a stop to them, much less a control. There are alternative therapies that work with this specific aspect and are highly accepted among people. We want to talk to you about one of these techniques to calm the mind, presenting you our collection of meditation books in PDF format. This therapy is considered one of the best to achieve inner peace.

Meditation is associated with philosophies such as Buddhism where we seek detachment from our judgments and thoughts, since these are nuanced by our beliefs and whose only contribution is to create mental noise. When not being able to clear the mind, a vital state of tension, fear and suffering is produced. Generally, most of our thoughts are negative and self-protective, which does not allow us to open up to positive life experiences. Discover how this mechanism works with our meditation books.

Meditation is a mental training that seeks to direct the attention to the present moment, letting the thoughts go by without attaching ourselves to any of them. To meditate is not always simple, since we usually retain thoughts, turning them over, generating a successive chain in which we submit the whole day. It requires practice, constancy and discipline for mastering the technique. The final objective of meditation is to achieve inner peace.

The benefits of meditation are numerous, because at some point you manage your emotions very well, abandoning the judgments against them. According to the practitioners of the meditation the emotions are not harmful by themselves, what hurts are the thoughts that are derived from feeling them, thoughts that perceive them as bad. The repression of the emotion creates the retention effect that meditation seeks to release.

Continue to explore about this interesting topic through our more than 20 books about meditation in PDF format. Download them quickly and safely in this section.

Here we present our complete selection of Meditation books:

With Each & Every Breath, a guide to meditation

Geoffrey DeGraff

The Fundamentals of Meditation Practice

Ting Chen

Keeping the breath in mind & Lessons in Samadhi

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo

Anapanasati - Mindfulness of Breathing

Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Meditation for beginners: a comprehensive guide

Dhaval Patel

Guided Meditations

Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, Family Events

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Your guide to meditation


How To Meditate

Tara Brach

Everything you need to start meditating

A Year of Productivity

Stress and the beliefs of meditation among community college students

Pamela L. Wallentiny

How to Meditate: A Primer for Beginners (Article)

Joel M. Evans

The Effects of Breath-Counting Meditation and Deep-Breathing on Heart Rate Variability (Article)

Ji-Hwan Kim, Hyo-Sang Bae and Seong-Sik Park

The Effects of Meditation on Perceived Stress and Related Indices of Psychological Status and Sympathetic Activation in Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Caregivers (Article)

K. E. Innes, T. K. Selfe, C. J. Brown, K. M. Rose and A. Thompson-Heisterman

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Stress Management in Healthy People (Article)

Alberto Chiesa and Alessandro Serretti

The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Multitasking in a High-Stress Information Environment (Article)

David M. Levy, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Alfred W. Kaszniak and Marilyn Ostergren

Mindfulness Meditation for Adolescent Stress and Well-Being (Article)

Ryan Erbe and David Lohrmann

Buddhist Meditation

Buddhist Yogi C. M. Chen

Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress (Article)

Mayo Clinic staff

The Fundamentals of Meditation Practice

Ting Chen

Sitting Meditation Step by Step (Article)

Ezra Bayda

The Basics of Zen Meditation

Open Way Zen Brisbane

Now and Zen: How mindfulness can change your brain and improve your health

John Denninger, Sara Lazar and David Vago

Mindfulness Meditation

Jean L. Kristeller

Here ends our selection of free Meditation books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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