15+ Reiki Books for Free! [PDF]

Medical treatments nowadays can be complemented with therapies aimed at the overall well-being of the individual. This is becoming more and more common practice and accepted by the medical and patient community. Consequently, alternative therapies have become a research topic of interest to many people. Therefore, with our community in mind, we have prepared the collection of reiki books in PDF format.

Reiki originated in the second decade of the 20th century, created by the Japanese Mikao Usui, since then it has been introduced in the West as an alternative therapy for prevention and treatment of physical and psychological ailments or pathologies.

If you are interested in becoming a reiki master or receiving therapy and want to know more about it, you can find more information in our books about reiki. Currently, there are a large number of therapists who work with reiki, offering a complementary option that provides a full sense of vitality.

Reiki is a practice and philosophy of Japanese origin that seeks to balance the vital energy through the laying on of hands and alignment of the 7 chakras. The method consists of properly directing the energy between the chakras and thus generating the physical, mental and spiritual well-being that the patient expects.

Reiki states that diseases and ailments come from the blockage suffered by the energy when living difficult situations of emotional origin, so it is important to achieve the energetic balance that allows the energy to flow freely.

It is considered a holistic practice, as it seeks to work on all dimensions of the human being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is completely non-invasive and represents a minimal risk, so it is quite safe to try in parallel with other treatments. Discover more about this amazing therapy in our more than 15 reiki books in PDF format, available for quick and easy download.

Here we present our complete selection of Reiki books:

Holistic Healing & Reiki


Reiki Handbook

Sister Kay Rundquist, OSF

Usui Method of Spiritual Being; Body/Mind Harmony

Gil Dekel (PhD) and Natalie Dekel (MPhil)

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Tibetan Reiki and Medicine Buddha Mantra

Shairin Farrell Naturopath, Tibetan & Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master/ Teacher

Reiki Level 1 Training Manual

Energy Healing For All Ages

Reiki Training and Symbols

Missoula Reiki Share

Reiki II Degree - Devmani Reiki

Swami Jeevan Devmani

An Integrative Review of Reiki Touch Therapy Research

Anne Vitale

Shambhala Oneness

Dr. Usui, John Armitage, Ian Henderson, Marjo van Weenen

Reiki for Animals and Their People (Power Point Presentation)

Sherri A. Lynn

Reiki Hand Positions (Article)

Gentle Illumination

Reiki for Animals (Article)

Sue Malcolm

Reiki: Hand in Hand with Nursing (Article)

Cynthia Walters, DNP, RN, AHN-BC; Heather Konstanzer, BSN, RN, HIHC-CSp; and Julia Rodriguez, BSN, RN

Reiki - Hand Positions for Self Healing (Article)

Healing Journeys Energy

Reiki (Article)

Cleveland Clinic

Reiki Symbols (Article)

Reiki Rays

Here ends our selection of free Reiki books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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