20+ Korean Learning Books for Free! [PDF]

Learning a language can be very expensive, there are more and more pages and mobile apps that provide language courses, but it is more what you pay than what you end up learning, that is why we have selected for you the best books to learn Korean in PDF format and that you can download for free!

On our site you have the possibility of having a whole private library of the subject you want, and if you are looking to learn a language, what better than Korean? With these books on Korean in PDF format you will make your learning easier and, additionally, we also have a selection of Korean exercises for you to try.

Korean culture is very rich, interesting and intriguing. It has many traditions and customs that people outside the Korean peninsula and its close neighbors, such as China and Japan, are not familiar with as opposed to the belief that it is similar.

Modern and historical linguists believe that Korean is an isolated language, although some linguists suggest that it belongs to a small language family with many already extinct.

Korean, which is the official and national language in North and South Korea, has many dialects. For this reason, many people take advantage of this and create courses with high costs, claiming that “the language is difficult to learn” and they also make you buy lots of guides so that you can learn to write the language separately.

With the Korean books on our site you are the one who decides how to learn, how to schedule your classes and so you won’t have to pay anything, but be constant and dedicated, you will be your own obstacle.

The key is in the commitment and dedication, as you make a schedule and truly commit to learning the language you will be surprised with the results.

Don’t invest more in guides and books that you will leave behind, with more than 20 books on Korean in PDF format you can have all the best resources to learn this language for free.

Korean Alphabet Books

The Korean alphabet, also known as hangeul, is the fundamental basis for knowing and learning this language. It is composed of 24 phonemes consisting of 10 vowels and 14 consonants. 

To learn the details of each of these phonemes, you can choose to rely on the Korean alphabet books, which will be of great help during the learning of this language. 

Remember that to master any other language, you must dedicate time and effort, and practice discipline.



Hangul - The Korean Alphabet

Marlies Gabriele Prinzl

Learn to Read Korean: An Introduction to the Hangul Alphabet

Zev Handel

Korean Dictionary

One of the best tools for learning words from other languages, as well as their meaning, are dictionaries. These books are very useful and very effective when it comes to learning Korean. 

To always have at hand a way to know what a word means, how it is used in a sentence and its synonyms, you can turn to the Korean dictionaries we offer. 

In case of doubt or unfamiliarity with a word, these books can be the ideal solution.

English-Korean Phonetic Dictionary

D.L. Bangerter

Korean-English Dictionary

Leon Kuperman

Korean Grammar Books

Another fundamental aspect to know and master during the process of learning Korean is grammar. Educating yourself on the correct way to construct sentences is indispensable. 

In order for you to communicate effectively in Korean or any other language, you must be well versed in its grammar. Through reading and practice, you should strengthen your knowledge in this area. 

And to achieve this, you can make use of the Korean grammar books that we have made available to you. These texts have all the details and aspects you need to know about it.

Korean Basic Course

Live Lingua Korea

Korean Language Guide

Luke Park

Practical Korean Expressions for Foreigners

The National Institute of the Korean Language

Beginning Korean: A Grammar Guide

David J. Silva

Korean Basic Course

FSI Language Courses

A Reference Grammar of Korean

Samuel E. Martin

Essential Korean Phrases

Meridian Linguistics

Top Korean 100 Words


Basic Korean Sentence Structure

GO! Billy Korean

How to Study Korean. Unit 0: Lessons 1 - 3

How to Study Korean

How to Study Korean. Unit 1: Lesson 1

How to Study Korean

How to Study Korean. Unit 1: Lesson 5

How to Study Korean

Korean Numbers Books

In addition to knowing the Korean alphabet and its phonemes, you must also learn its numbers. These are also part of all the components you need to master when learning this language. 

In combination with words, Korean numbers are also very important in this language. Therefore, it is a good idea to consult Korean number books so that you know them perfectly. 

You should know very well how they are written, how they are pronounced and how they are used. Use the texts for this and master this Asian language completely.

Korean Numbers Part 1

GO! Billy Korean

Korean Numbers Part 2 (Pure Korean)

GO! Billy Korean

Korean Verbs / Adverbs Books

During the process of learning the Korean language, you should also be aware of verbs and adverbs. These are essential elements in the Oriental language, so you should know them very well.

In the formation of spoken or written phrases and sentences, Korean verbs / adverbs are essential. In order for you to know these elements in great detail, you can refer to books containing such information. 

Through Korean verbs / adverbs books you will learn which Korean verbs / adverbs are most commonly used, how they are used, how they are conjugated, how they are written and how they are pronounced.

Changing Action Verbs to Adjectives

GO! Billy Korean


GO! Billy Korean

Top 100 most useful Korean verbs


Here ends our selection of free Korean learning books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Remember that “Sharing is Caring”.

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