20+ Korean Workbooks for Free! [PDF]

Korean is gaining relevance in the world and more and more people are interested in learning it.

For this reason, we thought it was important to compile in our virtual library a collection of korean workbooks in PDF format, available on the Internet. This collection is the perfect complement to our selection of Korean learning books.

Although it is not the most popular language in Asia, its relevance is certainly noticeable. Currently, there are about 75 million Korean speakers in the world. If you already have some knowledge and are interested in learning more in depth about this amazing language, do it with our collection of Korean workbooks.

South Korea is one of the fastest developing countries in the world, one of the most stable economies today. It is an example for the region and in recent decades has captured the attention of millions of people, especially young people who are interested in its culture.

At the technological level, it has made great advances and is at the forefront of innovation. This has also meant that, from a business point of view, many businessmen and economies in other countries have turned their attention to South Korea to establish business relations.

Proficiency in Korean is also beneficial on the job front, as adding it to the resume could open many doors for young professionals. Also, South Korea is an amazing country for tourism and it would be nice to be able to communicate in its native language and immerse yourself in its culture.

Interestingly, Korean is not a very difficult language to learn and its writing is easier than other Asian languages such as Mandarin and Japanese. So, with disciplined practice, it can be mastered very well.

Encourage yourself to continue learning this interesting language with our more than 20 Korean workbooks in PDF format, available for immediate download in this section.

Korean Exercises Basic Level

The Korean language, like the rest of the languages that make up the speech of the peoples of the world, has its own rules of grammar, writing and pronunciation, so learning it requires dedication, effort and a lot of perseverance.

That is why we have a special selection of basic level Korean exercises, where you will learn the first steps of this language. As the material is dedicated to exercises, you will be able to immediately practice the theory you are learning.

You will find the correct way to write the Korean alphabet, how to pronounce it, as well as how to compose and read compound words. At this basic level it is essential to learn the first steps, and with these materials you will certainly be able to do so.

True Beginner Vocabulary 1

Key to Korean

True Beginner Vocabulary 2

Key to Korean

Beginner Vocabulary Quiz 1

Key to Korean

Beginner Vocabulary Quiz 2

Key to Korean

Korean Exercises for Children

Children have an amazing ability to learn. We are often amazed by this ability, but as parents and teachers, we must take advantage of it to teach them new languages, such as Korean.

For children it is much easier to internalize than for an adult, since for them it can be a game, because the lessons are usually done through simple techniques such as painting the hangul, completing the characters of a word, associating images with words, etc.

In our special section of Korean exercises for children you will find useful tools for learning Korean, from coloring books to stories in the language, you will also learn proven methods that are useful in teaching Korean; no doubt they will be very useful.

Animals in Korean – Worksheet (Beginner)

Fresh Korean

01 - 10 Korean Number Writing Practice Worksheet

Fresh Korean

Korean Calligraphy Exercises

Calligraphy is a basic and indispensable exercise when learning a new language, it serves to learn and improve your handwriting. Many of us did a lot of calligraphy when we were children, even great writers still do it, as writing “pretty” is considered an art.

Korean, being a totally different language from other languages in the world, has its own writing system, which is more like drawing hieroglyphs than writing any letters, although each of those characters has its own meaning.

It is absolutely necessary, if you are learning this language, to know how to write it correctly, since many of them are very similar, and if you make a mistake you would not be able to understand them. For this reason we have made a special selection of Korean exercises – calligraphy that will be very useful for you.

Korean Alphabet worksheet for Beginners

Miss Elly Korean

Forming Syllables

Pathway to Korean

Writing Syllables Pathway to Korean

Pathway to Korean

Korean Number Exercises

One of the most surprising things when studying the Korean language is the specific way they have to write numbers, this is because they do it through their hangul, and not as we in the West do it through numeric characters, which is something quite interesting.

It is a peculiarity but it also has some difficulty, however through our materials of Korean exercises – numbers that we have for you it will be much easier to learn them.

In addition, you will get an idea of how the Korean mathematical system works, as well as the important use of tens. It is certainly a rather new world for Westerners, but quite accessible to learn.

Korean Numbers Part 1 (Sino-Korean)

GO! Billy Korean

01 - 10 Chinese Number Writing Practice Worksheet (Sino Korean)

Fresh Korean

11 - 20 Chinese Number Writing Practice Worksheet (Sino Korean)

Fresh Korean

Korean Exercises Verbs

Verbs are a fundamental part of any language, they indicate the action performed by the subject and form the essence of sentences. In Korean the use of verbs is always surrounded by nouns and adverbs to simplify actions.

In our selection of free books in PDF format you will find Korean exercises – verbs, a lot of material that will help you understand in a concrete way the conjugation of each of them, as well as their corresponding tenses (past, present, future).

You will have study guides, explained examples and also exercises for you to solve, as well as the solutions to each of them, so that you can evaluate your progress by yourself.

Past/Present/Future Tense Practice Worksheet


100 Korean Verbs 1-10


100 Korean Verbs 11-20


100 Korean Verbs 21-30


100 Korean Verbs 31-40


Korean Vocabulary Exercises

Vocabulary is the other side of the coin in the study of a language, you can learn to write it but it is essential to speak it for your learning to be complete that is why we have made a select collection of books that we put at your disposal.

The Korean exercises – vocabulary will help you in your study, since you will learn its pronunciation from beginning to end, as well as intonation of the language, the interrogative form, negations, affirmations, expressions, etc.

One of the easiest ways to learn Korean vocabulary is to perform dialogues in different tenses, so you will get an idea of what real conversations are like. More detailed explanations can be found in the recommended books.

Active Korean 1

Two ponds

Active Korean 2

Two ponds

Active Korean 3

Two ponds

Active Korean 4

Two ponds

Korean Grammar: Practice using some grammar points Sydneytoseoul


Well, this was our collection of Korean Workbooks books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

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