20+ Ophthalmology Books for Free! [PDF]

The eye is one of the most precious organs of the human being. With them we can see the world around us and any condition related to this part of the body affects us in our daily lives. Hence the relevance of one of the current medical specialties that specifically treats the eye. We present to you in this section our anthology of ophthalmology books in PDF format. With them you will be able to investigate basic notions and data of scientific interest.

The first treatise on ophthalmology was the Sushruta Samhita, written by the Indian physician Sushruta between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. It describes more than 70 diseases of the eye, including 51 requiring surgery, such as cataracts. It also explains the use of certain surgical instruments and some ophthalmologic procedures. In Ancient Greece, there were also hypotheses about the composition of the eye. In our ophthalmology books you will find interesting information about this important medical area.

Ophthalmology is the medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. Eye diseases may require treatment with medications, such as allergies, infections and inflammations, such as styes. But others may require surgical intervention, such as myopia, glaucoma or cataracts. Ophthalmology should not be confused with optometry, which treats vision problems such as astigmatism or strabismus.

People should go for an ophthalmologic exam periodically, at least once a year. In this way, it is possible to avoid eye problems in time and work on the prevention of serious diseases that could lead to total loss of vision.

We invite you to explore our more than 20 books on ophthalmology in PDF format so you can start your research studies in this medical specialty. Remember that the titles are available for free and immediate download.

Here we present our complete selection of Ophthalmology books:

Practical Ophthalmology

Zeina M. Alsabti

Basic Ophthalmology

Richard C. Allen, Richard A. Harper

The Handbook of Ocular Disease Management

Joseph W. Sowka, Andrew S. Gurwood, Alan G. Kabat

Orientation, history taking, and examination (Presentation)

Essam Osman

Standard Treatment Guidelines Opthalmology

Dr. Venkatesh Prajna

The Ophthalmologist

The Ophthalmologist

Neuro-ophthalmology review (Presentation)

Daniah Alshowaeir

Ophthalmology Procedures Manual

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Ophthalmology Milestones (Presentation)

Pratap Challa, Jillian Chong, Susan Culican

International Council of Ophthalmology

Sue Lightman and Peter McCluskey

Ophthalmology and Eye Disease

School of Medicine Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

Oct in Neuro-Ophthalmology Practice

Joel S. Schuman, Michelle Gabriele, Gadi Wollstein

Common Eye Problems


Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology

B. Lorenz

Preliminary Evaluation of the Clinical Benefit of a Novel Visual Rehabilitation Program in Patients Implanted with Trifocal Diffractive Intraocular Lenses

David P. Piñero, Ainhoa Molina Martin, María L. Ramón

Primary Eye Care, Community Ophthalmology and General Ophthalmology

Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Neuro-ophthalmology: Examination and investigation

David Francis Gilmour

A Glossary for Pseudo Conditions in Ophthalmology

Burak Turgut, Sabiha Gungor Kobat

Commonly used ophthalmic abbreviations (Article)

Amy Halloran

Prevalence of eye diseases and refractive errors in children seen at a referral center for ophthalmology in the central-west region, Brazil

Maria Nice Araujo; Marcos Pereira; David Leonardo

Eye diseases

Australian Government Department of Health

Ophthalmology Abbreviations Alphabetical (Article)

University of Illinois Chicago


Carrie MacEwen, Alison Davis and Lydia Chang

Here ends our selection of free Ophthalmology books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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