25+ Leadership Books for Free! [PDF]

Adding another list of free books to our virtual library, we chose to include the topic of Leadership. With a selection of books on the subject, we present you with a whole compendium of the most important information on the subject.

We have selected books in PDF format for your ease and convenience.

The concept of Leadership consists of a group of skills that are used to influence the way other individuals think and act. However, the concept cannot be limited to this alone. A leader also has the ability to provide ideas and take initiative, not just give orders.

Although the leader is the one who decides in the end, the people who make up his team also have power of opinion. In fact, it is teamwork that provides the best results.

Leadership is important in many areas, not just in the business world. The leader is responsible for achieving the objectives in a faster and more effective way.

A good leader will be able to establish excellent communication and optimize the integration capacity of his team members, all with the sole purpose of achieving common goals. That is why companies depend on good leadership to develop and maintain their leadership over time.

We have chosen more than 25 books on Leadership in PDF format, in which you can find publications in Spanish and Portuguese so that you can choose in which language to read the information.

Each and every one of the texts is in the public domain or was given for free distribution.

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Here we present our complete selection of Leadership books:

Becoming a better leader

Routledge & CRC Press

Leading from within: Building Organizational Leadership Capacity

David R. Kolzow

Introduction to Leadership & Management

Health knowledge

Leadership Training Manual for Women Leaders of Cooperatives

International Labour Office

Global Definitions of Leadership

University of Cambridge

A guide to developing enlightened leadership

University College Dublin

Management and Leadership

Stephen J. Skripak

Leadership Handbook

Helena Kovac, Martina Sirol, Marinela Sumanjski

The 7 Crucial Skills of Leadership

Dennis Haley

Leadership Development

National Minority AIDS Council

The role of leadership in organizational change

Wasim Abbas, Imran Asghar

Successful leadership

Christopher Day, Pamela Sammons

A review of leadership theory and competency frameworks

Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P.

An Integrative Definition of Leadership

Bruce E. Winston, Kathleen Patterson

Team leadership

Stephen J. Zaccaroa, Andrea L. Rittmana, Michelle A. Marksb

Leadership Management: Principles, Models and Theories

Manoj Kumar Sharma

Leadership vs Management

George A. Bohoris

Qualities of a Good Leader and the Benefits of Good Leadership to an Organization: A Conceptual Study

Rudolph. P. T. Muteswa

Leadership styles

Nan jundes waras wamy T. S., Swamy D. R

Gender and leadership? Leadership and gender? A journey through the landscape of theories

Steven H. Appelbaum, Lynda Audet, Joanne C. Miller

Understanding management and leadership styles

Chartered Management Institute

How Effective Leadership can Facilitate Change in Organizations through Improvement and Innovation (Article)

Moo Jun Hao, Rashad Yazdanifard

Business Leadership (Article)

Beatty & Company

Transformational leadership ( Article)

Langston University

Definitions on Leadership

INFLIBNET Centre Gandhinagar

Leadership and professional development

Donald Klingborg, Dale Moore, Sonya Varea

Here ends our selection of free Leadership books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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