On the Soul

Author: Aristotle

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On the Soul is an important treatise written in 350 BC. Although its subject is the soul, it is not about spirituality, but a work of what might best be described as biopsychology, a description of the subject of psychology within a biological framework.

Its discussion focuses on the types of souls possessed by different types of living things, which are distinguished by their different operations. Thus, plants have the ability to nourishment and reproduction, the minimum that any type of living organism must possess. Lower animals have, in addition, the faculties of sense-perception and self-motion (action). Humans have all this in addition to the intellect.


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The Categories


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The Poetics


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On Interpretation Aristotle


On Interpretation is the second text of Aristotle’s Organon. It deals with the relationship between language and logic in a complete, explicit and formal way. It consists of 14 chapters in which it discusses the following topics:

Analyzes simple categorical propositions, draws a series of basic conclusions about the definition and classification of elements such as: nouns and verbs, negation, the relationship between affirmative, negative, universal and particular propositions.

It also discusses spoken and written symbols and their respective mental experiences (which are the same for all), verbs and the notion of time (a verb without tense indicates the present while the tenses of a verb indicate times outside the present), the universality or individuality of terms, among other topics.

Nicomachean Ethics


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It is often assumed that the title refers to his son Nicomachus, to whom the work was dedicated or who may have edited it (although his young age makes this less likely). Another possibility is that the work was dedicated to his father, who was also named Nicomachus.